Prior Velho Urban Park
- Manage the valley area and implement the park program
- Preserve the existing olive groves
- Implant pedestrian pathways and fitness trails in the steep slopes
- Integrate leisure areas with equipment and infrastructures
The Prior Velho valley was one of the last places for forestry and pastoral use, trace of the agricultural areas that characterized Lisbon’s outskirts.
Location: Prior Velho, Loures
Date: 2004
Client: Câmara Municipal de Loures
Constructor: API – Construções, Lda.
Area: 5ha
Team: Project developed in collaboration with: Departamento de obras Municipais – CM Loures
Water – Irrigation: Engº. Ant. Magalhães de Carvalho
Cost Estimator: Paulo Nunes – Nunes medem Lda
Status: Completed