São Bernardo 110 Condominium - Lisboa
- Preserve the original landscape, where design incorporates the majority of the existing trees
- Create structuring green spaces with two pool lounges and respective facilities
- Introduce recreational center/paddle tennis and a belvedere
A residential condominium with 3.000m2, in a high end residential neighborhood in Lisbon and a view over S. Bento Valley, Bairro Alto, Tejo River and its South bank.
Location: Estrela, Lisboa
Date: 2004 - 2007
Client: Private
Constructor: IMOSTÃO - Gestão de Projectos Imobiliários S.A. / QVC Consulting – Projectos e Construção de Espaços Verdes Unipessoal, Lda
Area: 3.000m2
Team: Project developed in collaboration with: Castello-Branco Arquitectos
Stability Engineering: OMEGA
Electrical Engineering: Cindetec
Landscape architecture: João Ceregeiro (project director), Paulo Martins Pereira, Catarina Vieira (intern)
Water – Irrigation: Engº. Ant. Magalhães de Carvalho
Cost Estimator: Paulo Nunes – Nunes medem Lda.
Status: Completed